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Missions Ministry

Our church is honored to support these ministries:

Danny & Philippa Brooks (Isabela and Judah)
On furlough in Northern Ireland awaiting re-entry to their ministry in the Philippines

The Brooks are serving with Ethnos360 in the Philippines. They are involved in equipping missionaries and serving the church in the Philippines to see churches established among unreached people groups and to see them grow in maturity.

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(Photos from top left corner) Henry Lyann, Founder & President of BEST & Pastor Tom Larmore; Pastor Tom & Joyce Larmore with Henry and his wife, NiNi; Dr. Andrew (Dean of BEST and instructor) and his wife, TuTu (NiNi's sister); the levee project (almost a thousand feet of levee built by hand, one bucket at a time); the students of BEST (with Andrew & Henry's kids sitting up front on the right); and the 2012 graduates of BEST.

Berean Evangelical School of Theology (BEST) Yangon  |  Myanmar (Burma)


Pastor Shiju Philip
Punjab  |  India


Pastor Philip travels by bus each month to visit and encourage the 15 other pastors under his leadership. These include areas with mainly Sikh populations as well as neighborhoods with extreme poverty.


CBF also tries to sponsor a yearly leadership training seminar to supplement Pastor Philip's pastoral training.

Christ's Bible Fellowship

954 Army Dr, Suite 202-2
Barrigada, GU 96913

647-0CBF (0223)

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